Breakfast 8.45AM
- for breakfast I had that oats and more with almond cereal which was wonderful
- I had it with full fat milk which was very nice too
Lunch 1.15PM
- for lunch I had some carrots sticks which were nice, a lot of them today
- some orange juice which again, tasted eggy
- a normal sesame seed bun with some salami in it
- a very nice scone, it was one of those ones which tastes like a cross between a loaf cake and a scone
- I think I might change my lunch in a week or two, maybe to having some rice at lunch times because I think i'm starting to go off salami
Dinner 6.35PM
- dinner was very nice, we had griddled chicken which I always like
- and there was some tomato slices on my plate which I ate first to get rid of cold and hot food mixing
- I did the same with some diced lettuce
- there was also some chips which I added a lot of salt and pepper to
- I also had a mini baguette which I used to clean my plate, then ate slowly by running it in salt and pepper on my plate
- I also had a near perfect banana
Snacks 7.30PM+
- first I had the last of my christmas stuff, a very small bag of haribo star mix, as much as I love these, I think they use harder sweets in the smaller packets
- I then had some of that hard nougat stuff, coated in chocolate, i've decided I don't really like this so I probably won't have it again
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