Wednesday, 11 February 2009

wednesday's post

today I got up at about 8.40AM and went swimming, it was lovely

Breakfast 8.45AM

  • for breakfast I had special K flakes with full fat milk, the milk was very nice today

Lunch 3.15PM

  • I had my lunch when I got back, it was some rice with peas and carrots which was very nice, it was a smaller portion before that suited me a lot better, it was also in a little pot instead of being in a tub which I like more because it seems more special
  • I also had some spar orange juice which was alright
  • my mum put some of the brownies that she made yesterday in my lunch box for me which was lovely of her - they were perfect, she makes them so they have a very thin kind of crunchy top, then you get to a layer of dark chocolate and a bit of cherry if you're lucky, then a cakey bit then the proper chocolately kind of almost gooey brownie bit which is heaven

Dinner 6.45PM

  • for dinner I had one piece of tandoori chicken which was very nice, I didn't put any salt or pepper on it, I tried to put some lemon juice on it but I couldn't get much out of the slice which was really frustrating
  • I also had two other little pieces of chicken that just had a few herbs on them which was nice too - I got a bit more lemon on these
  • there was also some garlic naan bread, I put a lot of salt and pepper on these, and maybe even a bit too much salt on one piece but it was still nice
  • there was also some salad, I had two leaves of iceberg lettuce from asda which was alright I suppose, not bad at all
  • some tomato slices with salt, pepper and oil on them, this is the first time i've ever tried asda tomatoes and I don't really like them as much as tescos ones, they are too juicy which leaves them with no flavour
  • and some cucumber from asda which wasn't amazing
  • I then had a banana which I really enjoyed, a few bad bits but apart from that it was alright

Snacks 8.15PM+

  • for a snack I had some of the brownies which were amazing, I have a hard time controlling my self with brownies but at the same time, I see no need to control my self at all


dj said...

I wish my wife had your mum's brownie recipe: she had a really good one and then lost the damn thing.

You put salt on your naan bread? The wife thinks we shouldn't have any salt; I keep pointing out how on Masterchef they say stuff is underseasoned, and that basically they mean it doesn't have any salt on. She even disputes salting the water for pasta or potatoes: WTF woman!

i want one so badly said...

its these women at it again, spoiling our fun

My bloody mother is like that too, always having a go at me for putting salt on stuff, she doesn't see me commenting on her 2 tonne block of cheese a week habit

I only sometimes salt my naan bread, I don't even like it like that, its just I really really like salt, it ruins the naan bread but I still do it

what you should do is have your own salt supply, something you can bring out when the worlds really got you down.

As for the brownie recipie, i'll post it up with some pictures in the week, I hope you like it, but if you don't it might be because your oven is too good, ours never closes properly, and never bakes stuff properly so you get a slightly different, ususally moist kind of cakey thing each time compared to a more evenly cooked brownie