Sunday, 17 May 2009

monday's post

on monday I got up at about 6.50AM

Dinner 7.00PM

  • thats my mum's homemade pizza, its without cheese because I claim I don't like cheese (haven't really ever tried it) but I tried some of her cheese with pizza on and I think i'll start having it from now on
  • so thats bacon and prawns
  • some carrot salad
  • and some salad thats lettuce and cucumber


Me said...

Pizza without cheese is like boobs without nipples.

Is that anchovies?

i want one so badly said...

nah honestly I really see something in not having the cheese, the hot rich tomato just floods and sinks all round your teeth and its so incredibly satisfying

trying a bit with cheese in, its like cheese flavour never stops and none of the other flavours can really develop - I think I might move to having a bit of cheese on my pizza so then its like semi-transparent nipples I suppose