don't know when I woke up

Dinner 7.00PM
- thats roast lamb
- those really nice potatoes made into roast potatoes
- yorkshire puddings
- broccoli
- carrots
- got a few green beans rolling about in there too
- gravy, got before and after there
- and theres some mint sauce which I added after the photo
That is a very British/Australian meal.
How is that gravy made? I love my gravy extra thick, like HP sauce but I'm learning that gravy is meant to be more runny.
thick gravy is my mum's thing so i'll ask her for the recipe tomorrow 4 u
I like it really thick too, not quite HP sauce thick, somewhere in between heinz tomato soup and HP sauce thickness
don't chat about that runny thin gravy stuff, i'm always told that, it doesn't matter at all - its what you like, I find a lot of food intimidating with all these rules on how it should be done but if you're into it like this, then keep it this way
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