Monday, 24 August 2009

monday's post

Dinner 7.10PM

  • this is a meal I really liked and so I ate really really slowly, making sure I got bits of sausage with bits of the
  • baked potato
  • I tended to eat the snow peas on their own
  • and I ate the broccoli mainly on its own, but tried to get a bit in with the sausage too


Me said...

Perfectly cut baked potato. Never underestimate the power of a baked potato. It is a world all unto its own!

i want one so badly said...

thanks boss, my dad got a new knife, going to find him cleaning between his teeth with it soon

I wanted to make a baked potato for lunch today, I had no idea at all it took so long in the oven - didn't know you could be shocked by a potato but I was

Me said...

The timing of a baked potato is everything! Because once its done it begins to shrivel and die a slow and untasty death.

i want one so badly said...

see, this is what stopped me having them as a yonug child - school dinners, they'd blast the potatoes then leave them on those heating plates so they'd shrivel up worse than a leather thoing (not talking from experience there)