Sunday, 30 November 2008

thursday's post, I was in London then

I was in london on thursday, so I got up so early at about 5.40AM and then didn't have a bath. We got there at like 10.50AM though


  • I was so rushed that I didn't bother

Lunch 12.45PM (only approx, no clock around me because we had something to eat outside)

  • I had a co op tiger bread bun with some really well balanced salami in it - its really nice to have tiger bread for a change
  • we also had some small picnic eggs from tescos, and there were no bad bits in any of them
  • I then had some salt and vinegar discos - now, these were very odd. I haven't had discos since I was very little, when they had loads of additives, flavours in etc. With all this removed, they didn't have that horridly sharp edge to them, they tasted like fake discos

Dinner (part one) 7.40PM

  • I say part one because we had something to eat on the coach back before we got back, I had a sesame seed bun with some salami in it, it was nice and firm
  • also had some of the little picnic eggs
  • and a packet of prawn cocktail skips - these are just as nice as a remember from when I was little. They aren't like eating crisps, its a lighter, and much nicer, experience

Dinner (part two) 11.15PM

  • when we got back we had beans on toast
  • and a little bacon on the side, this really is one of my favourite things - I really don't know why, I just love beans on toast


  • it was really too late to have any snacks, but I did try some of the fudge that we'd got for my mum, which was very nice, but I think I prefer the crumblier stuff that I make

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