Breakfast 8.30AM
- breakfast was really nice, some nestle cluster cereal which was good and sweet with perfect full fat milk
Lunch 12.15PM
- for lunch I had some orange juice
- some carrot sticks
- I started on my sesame seed bun with some salami in it but I didn't get to finish it or even start my scone before I needed to get to the exam which was annoying because its still stewing in my bag now I think about it
Dinner 6.45PM
- dinner was really nice, it was a special dinner to make the end of my first exam, first I had some tomato slices
- and some lettuce to clear space on my plate
- then I had a wonderful piece of tandoori chicken
- and a nice piece of chicken that was left over that my dad had cooked anyway, I put salt and pepper on this just because i've always wanted to
- I then had some lovely belly pork, if its the weekend he'd usually double cook it (or something like that, i'm not well up on pork terminology) he'd boil it then he'd do it in the oven I think, he skipped the boiling because it was a week day and it left the pork kind of softer, and more cleaner tasting with loads of soft flavourful fat on the meat which was wonderful and kind of a weird attractive taste
- then I had some ribs, they were very nice too, little ones made from cutting the normal ribs in half with a sticky coating with lots of sharp ginger in it
- after all of that I had a small baguette which I spent ages eating, it was really special to have a meal like this at the start of the week
- after that I had a banana which once again, looked perfect but tasted kind of off
Snacks 9.10PM+
- my mum had bought some cofresh gujarati mix which was wonderful, I think I had about 3 bowls of the stuff, the best thing about it is it uses quite a bit of lentil sugar which I love so much - theres a mix that tastes pretty much 90% lentil sugar but I can't remember its name, lentil sugar is wonderful though
- after that I had a nice cold can of dr.pepper which i'm still really enjoying as a drink, I meant to mix it with some sarsaparilla concentrate but I forgot
Sounds like a feast iwantonesobadly! Well done for finishing your first exam.
thanks very much dj, just one more to go and i'm exam free for months then after the next set of exams, i'm free forever
it was quite the feast yeah, really enoyed it
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