Wednesday, 8 April 2009

i can live without salt and pepper i have for ages so its ok

I haven't added any salt or pepper at the table for a week now (apart from some on soft boiled eggs, but they were too hot to eat so i'm not counting that as at the table)

Honestly, you won't miss salt at most meals - in fact, with quite a few meals you start to pick up new flavours that you wouldn't have noticed, or liked, before. I do miss adding salt to pasta bake, most green veg, some roast meats and potatoes. I don't think theres a problem with a quick bit of salt on some pasta bake or broccoli but I doubt i'll need anywhere near as much as before.

I don't even know if I miss pepper, its like me and any sauce kind of thing, i'll smother my food in it because its on the table so its best I don't use it much at all.

give up salt lads


Me said...

I knew a smart kid like you would make the move and I'm glad you're glad you did :)

Terra Shield said...

I prefer less salt, haven't tried zero salt yet... but I just might.

Thanks for dropping by blog :)

dj said...

I never add salt at the table, my old man had high blood pressure so it was never about this millenium really. And the missus is pretty devout about not having it either, and needs some persuading to put it in during cooking as well.

i want one so badly said...

thanks for commenting everyone

Terra, i'd give no salt a go for a week because it gives you an idea about which meals you'd really like to add salt to, but if you just have a little salt then I don't see why it would matter

My problem is I can, and will, cover anything in salt and I still don't regret doing it, I just don't think i'll be doing it again.

you need to start spiking your wife's food with salt you know dj, salts what you need in cooking - this is why I don't cook meals, because i'd cook some salt and sprinkle a balanced meal over it.