Dinner 7.40PM
- thats pasta bake, with the usual mix of pork and beef mince
- didn't have any carrots or mushrooms in it because we were out of those but it was still lovely, I had an extra portion afterwards like I usually do with pasta bake
- that salad is lettuce
- tomatoes
- and cucumber
Very nice. I'd devour that in minutes. I'm a fast eater. Do you take your time?
I do now yes, I never used to.
What I used to do is to race with my dad, I had (no question, I would probably die or turn into a girl if I didn't) to finish my meal before him
now I tend to finish last, but my mum has smaller portions than me - theres something impressive to be said about finish a meal in under 10 minutes though if you ask me.
I've asked a few people about this now, it seems that if you have brothers or sisters, you eat as fast as possible and us only childs are such odd
It's an interesting point. My grandmother always used to finish first. At my family in law, I finish second usually, due to having a large portion. I usually finish before the wife now, and she leaves some food, whereas I smash it. I find that I eat pizza about twice as fast as anyone else, and the same with curry.
When I was a kid, I used to finish bout the same time as my sister, but what is really striking me is that when I used to pour us both a drink, I always, always tried to pour myself a little bit more than her. Good times.
Anyway, I'd smash this down. I cannot fucking wait to get back to living at our own place, coming home and cooking some good food. Bless my Mother in law, and she can bake, but she ain't a great overall cook. Similar to my wife I guess.
see, thats how its done
I wolf down pizza, my parents eat it with knife and fork - i'm more of a hands man, i've had takeaway pizza about twice before and everyone i've had it with eats with their hands too.
That drink things brilliant too haha, I do that, if I pour bombay mix into a bowl, boy better know dads getting the smaller one - i'm pretty sure you needed the drink just as much as I clearly need bombay mix
that leaving food thing seems to be a female thing, slow eating but not eating that much at all - I don't really like leaving food on my plate
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