Monday, 8 December 2008

friday's post

On friday I got up at about 6.30AM and got to school only 5 minutes late, it was a real rush though

Breakfast 6.40AM

  • I can only guess that breakfast was my special K red berries with full fat milk because I couldn't spot any of that vanilla stuff, but the special K did actually look different
  • another edit, I just don't seem to be used to putting in my advent calender chocolate, anyway, it was a fruit and nut

Lunch 2.00PM

  • I had a quite nice sesame seed bun with some salami in it but I rushed it a little
  • I also had some orange juice (I rarely say this, but I always start with my orange juice)
  • I also had some carrot sticks
  • and a scone, with some of that butter that has a slightly salty taste to it that goes really well on sweet things

Dinner 7.15PM

  • dinner was really nice, some more of my mum's friend's samosas which are always really well balanced - I put way too much sweet chili sauce on mine (I love doing this) and just a little of the carroty sauce that i'm really going off
  • there was also some garlic naan bread which was nice because it was less sandy than the stuff at that giraffe cafe
  • my mum also did some salad in a little bowl, which was brilliant because all the dressing welled up at the bottom, in the salad there was ice burg lettuce (this was actually on the side of my plate) and in the bowl there was, cucumber bits, tomato bits, spring onion and a lot of nice oil
  • I then had a banana, it was alright, not as horrid as recent bananas

Snacks 8.45PM

  • my mum bought us some really nice beer to try called Pure Ubu or something (named after their dog, which I thought was lovely) the beer its self tastes really interesting, like if you were to take the mild rosey woody aftertaste of hobgoblin and just blast the drinker with the taste instantly - its so punchy that it really works, I don't think it could replace anything wychwood for me but its still an interesting taste and certainly a much more full on beer than anything else i've tried
  • a bit of an edit, I just remembered we also had some cadbury's bournville dark chocolate because my mum very kindly 'over estimated' when she was buying chocolate for brownies that she was making for a party on saturday

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