Thursday, 18 December 2008

thursday's post

today I got up at 7.35AM after no where near enough sleep

Breakfast 7.40PM

  • breakfast was that almond cereal, it started out really well but it went completely down hill because the milk was funny, so I ended up not finishing it
  • for my advent calender today I had a fruit and nut one

Lunch 2.00PM+

  • so it was that class lunch thing today, sadly no-one really brought in anything, I think the main dish was made by a boy in class though which was nice, there were 3 types of pizza but I only had one piece from one of them, i'm not really into cheese much
  • waiting for us were cards with little christmas chocolates on them which was really sweet
  • on the table we had some kind of cool dip thing with some celery sticks (it was brilliant celery) some carrot sticks, some cucumber and some crisps
  • the first thing I had was about a 1/4 portion (not sure if i'd like it so I went for a smaller portion) of a pasta bake (I think that boy made this one) it wasn't something I was used to because I don't eat much cheese at all, it was a really bright orange cheese and with what I think was tuna which i'm not too used to either but I liked the onions in it and people used to tuna and cheese loved it which is cool
  • I also had a piece of some caramelised onion (I really liked the onion part) pizza which I know came from a packet, it was kind of strange, really soft, kind of mushy and incredibly greasy and the topping came off in one piece
  • for pudding there was apple crumble, but I don't like this anyway
  • i'm not sure if anyone had any of my biscuits because no-one mentioned it to me

Something I had when I got home

  • so because I didn't really eat much I got some stuff on the way home, I got some salt and vinegar snack a jacks which I shared with my dad (they are surprisingly smelly and greasy for non greasy things but they are still very nice)
  • I also had some peanut M&Ms with a few white mice which took ages to eat
  • and some nice carrot sticks

Dinner 6.25PM

  • dinner was very nice, it was pasta shells with some kind of tomato sauce over it with little bits of steak in it, it was quite sharp already but I put some pepper on mine, with just a bit of salt
  • I then had a banana

Snacks 9.15PM

  • my mum won some toffee in a competition which was nice but I kept getting impatient and getting it stuck on my teeth, so I had some of those (I still have a load of white mice left)
  • throughout the day I had some stuff too, I had two quality street chocolates at about midday, and later on a friend offered me a chip from a fast food place

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