on friday I got up at about 8.00AM

Dinner 6.40PM
- dinner was lovely, thats dirty rice with carrots, bits of eggs, crunchy onions, prawns and little prawns, I put a fair bit of light soy on this
- some spring rolls, first time i've had them i nears and they were lovely, they were from tescos and i'd love to try homemade ones, I dipped them in an egg cup of sweet chili sauce (thats the big bottle)
- those are ribs in a sticky sauce, not much to say but they are sweet and lovely
- some prawn crackers
- the salad was a mix of different onions, bean sprouts and chinese cabbage, I didn't like this too much but it doesn't matter
Do you mind me asking what nationality the chef (your mother?) is?
She is white UK, and yeah this is one of her meals. She usually cooks either very nice english stuff (or whatever you could call it) like a roast or toad in the hole or she'll do chinese - she also does moroccan stuff but i'm not really into that.
it ususally works with mon-friday is my dad's cooking, but if my mum is home early she'll make something
Saturday is my dad's big day, he always does dinner then
and sunday is a roast that my mum cooks unless it is really very hot.
Don't worry about asking questions, its lovely to get them and to answer them
You are a very lucky young man. I do hope you take this passion for food with you once you leave home. Took me years to get my head around the most simple things in the kitchen.
I hope so too bro
Its probably going to take me a while too if i'm honest. I love baking, cakes, biscuits, whatever - I can spend so much time making something that can last days and days and I love that so much.
Making a dinner has never took me so far, its like you put in all that effort, make it look wonderful and in 30 minutes its gone.
When I leave home i'm probably going to work on justifying having pancakes for dinner and potatoes for breakfast (i'm going to feel so guilty)
that tofu you made on the 12th looks cool as well, i'd want it just for the packet
I admire your insight with food.
I will post a meal made with the tofu as the main ingredient over the next couple of days. I was so surprised at the response of others; they claim to hate tofu but loved how it looked in my meal. Weirdos!
thanks bro
looking forward to the post, I might try some tofu but it'll hardly help me keep up my manly bloggable image (boy better know)
I don't get not liking tofu (not that i've ever had it) it doesn't seem like food to me, just something i'm told is a healthy alternative to meat.
I think it might be a nice thing to use to introduce people to new flavours and tastes, maybe introducing kids to more complex pastas and stuff if they refuse to eat beef and pork but thats just chatter.
It seems the photos have given your comments section a boost. A deserved reward for your hard work.
So your dirty rice is like special fried rice. I'd wondered for some time.
Are the ribs homemade?
Baking is a skill. My missus is an average cook, but a great baker, whereas I have no enthusiasm for baking at all. It's the contrast that makes it work. You'll just have to find a woman who can make main courses.
thanks dj, i'm really pleased with the comments you know - I think Orhan has that obsessive side of him over food like we do, and you don't get that in many bloggers (or they too idle to comment a bro) which is a real shame.
My mum always called it dirty rice, claiming that americans call it dirty rice
she has never been to america
americans didn't invent fried rice (I don't even know about that one)
yeah,they're homemade, ribs are one of my mum's best things, she does really nice ribs with sauce like those, sometimes a load more sauce, and generally my dad does the dry ones.
you and your wife seem like a cookery team, and I don't get that - if I got a wife that was good at doing a meal it wouldn't matter because she'd be a bully, a small strict thai or northern bully that'd cook me cat or dripping for dinner before I had to scrape the dead skin out of her matted foot hair
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