Wednesday 1 April 2009

wednesday's post

today I got up at about 8.10AM

Dinner 6.40PM
  • dinner is a piece of chicken in a sauce made of what I suppose is chicken broth, with those red peppers and onions on the side
  • theres also mash
  • spring greens
  • and sugar snap peas, I put salt on everything, with a focus of salt and pepper on the veg


Me said...

It's good to see you get alot of greens in your diet. Very, very essential.

That is another good looking meal, I tell you what :)

Me said...

And you don't need me telling you how to eat but you should start cutting salt out of your meals, especially at the table. It enhances flavour (which is fine, but ruins your natural pallette in the process) and does the blood and heart no good.

Seriously though, you could be doing a whole lot worse. Keep up the good eats!

i want one so badly said...

thanks bro, i'm really into greens, with my favourite being a good bit of broccoli I think

don't get me going on salt, the anxiety of using salt will kill me far before my heart packs it in.

i'll try it for the next week, no added salt at the table. It was tricky to try and stop putting loads of pepper on my meal without tasting it - my problem is if I intend to put a little salt and/or pepper on my veg, I will get lost in conversation and find i've added salt to everything or changed the veg colour from green to a grainy white

Me said...


Let me know how things taste after a week.

Just know this, I used to have spoonfuls of sugar in my cups of tea. Now, I couldn't possibly drink a cup of tea with even a granual of sugar.

i want one so badly said...

things going to taste just as wonderful bro, apart from some veg - my dad did the same with tea too, I read that milk also removes the benifits of tea but if you just having for a drink, then its a drink.